How to – Growth Tracker Module – Part 2

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In Part 1 of the 'How to-Growth Tracker Module' guide, we explained how, with the touch of a button, the Growth Tracker can give you an overview of all the mother plants and batches in your facility at room level, so you can track them throughout the entire growing cycle and post-harvest process. This enables you to zoom in to gain valuable insight into the status, specifications, and performance of each batch. Better yet, it allows you to compare the performance of different batches to analyse what works – and what doesn’t – as the basis for continuous optimization.

In Part 2, we're going to show you how to use the Growth Tracker Module to create a logbook of all your batches, giving you the data needed to fine-tune your irrigation and crop steering strategies without having to ‘reinvent the wheel’ batch after batch. The Growth Tracker fast-tracks you to real improvements in quality, production levels, and consistency. Best of all, you can start using the Growth Tracker Module at any time in the growing cycle. 

To learn more about the benefits of e-Gro’s Growth Tracker, download the How To Guide and watch the short video below.

grodan101, grodan, mj, growth tracker module, part2, egro